I decided to work a few stations this weekend during the CQ WPX contest, and have to admit, I got a bit caught up in it. I was doing my Search & Pounce thing, and before I knew it, I was really getting into it. I’m not going to set any memorable scoring records, but I am having fun! And, I have logged quite a few new ones!
I’m taking a big break today. The bands were the pits late morning. I was at church from about 6:45 am onward and this afternoon we’re going to visit the kids and grandchildren. I may get a few more hours after we get back, but we’ll have to see
You know, I really haven’t heard much nastiness on the bands. A little foul language on 40 meters last night when the contest got a bit too close to the sacred net frequencies. So be it. It’s been that way since the spark days I imagine, and will be that way through whatever comes next. Hey … it’s a hobby, isn’t it?